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Portrait of a photographer (avatar) Druz Denys

Druz Denys

— Resident 35PHOTO site
Druz Denys \ Теги \
35mm film Abstract symbolism Artistic symbolism Black and white balance Conceptual photography Contrast gradients Contrast harmony Diamond metaphor Gradients of life Hands and diamonds Luminous oval Metaphorical art Shades of existence Shanghai Symbolic balance Ukraine abandoned abandoned shopping mall atrium abstract aerial aerial view aesthetic diag air aircraft aireal airfield airfoil airplane airport analog camera ancient ancient landmarks animals anti occupation art art gallery exhibition asian asphalt road atmospheric sky photography bandage bangkok barcelona coast barcelona maritime scenery bare land beach beard bicycle big bird's bird's eye bird's eye view bird?s eye view bird\'s bird\'s eye bird\'s eye view black black and white black and white photo black and white photography black string blocked blocks blue blue fire light blueish fog boat breathtaking view bridge bridge with cars broken building building fac buildings bunch burning wood bushes cables captivating composition captivating skyline car cars cells cement cemetery channels chengdu china china. chinese church circle circular circular highway city city awakening city lights city skyline city skyline at dawn city sunrise photography city transportation city view cityscape photography cityscape view clean up closed clouds coast coastal beauty colorful palette colorful sunrise urban scene colorful u compound concrete concrete block division conifer tree construction construction crane contemporary contemporary monochrome image controlled environment couple watching lights cow cracked wood cracks crane crazy creek dance dark daytime bridge scene dead delayed desert deserted device diagonal frame composition dirt district double exposure downward dramatic diagonal division dramatic sky drone dry empty enchanting flames environmental awareness environmental issues ethereal blue-purple eye fabric face factory farm fast-paced female female portrait field fiery orange and blue-purp fiery orange hues fiery tree trunk fire closeup firefighter\'s hose flower foggy valley fresh flowers in ice frosty pink blossoms frozen frozen blossoms frozen flower buds frozen landscape fruit tree ice capture game geofabric geometric girl glacier-covered branches glass buildings glowing city lights glowing orange golden hour golf grass graves green green hills green mountains grey grey cloudy sky contrast grey sky and waterfall contrast grey snake road hair haunting abandoned mall heart heat resistance hidden high high hills historical city hogwarts holes hose hot wood texture hotel emergency exit house houses huangpu river huge humanity ice-covered flowers ice-encased foliage ice-glazed fruit tree iconic landmarks iconic shanghai landmark icy conifer icy spring blooms improvisation industrial industrial aesthetic photography intense flames island jet jungle land landscape lane light show light trails limitations in place line lines livestock long long exposure love lujiazui luminous red lights magenta city lights magical fire beauty. majestic mountain scene male male portrait mamiya rb67 man man portrait many many buildings megalopolis mesmerizing colors mesmerizing scene mess metropolis metropolis at dawn metropolis skyline milky cityscape minimalist nature scene missile misty valley modern architecture molten iron nail monochrome landscape monochrome urban mood mood portrait moody morning cityscape panorama mountain mountain top view mountain valley mountainous terrain moustache nan pu bridge narrow natural wonders of barcelona nature nature and urban charm neighbourhood new night photography night skyline view no smoking sign ocean old oriental tower other life outdoors over-consumption overconsumption panoramic cityscape parallel lines parking pearl tower people pink flowers pink-red clouds pipe pit plastic clothing plateau pool port portrait postponed power lines powerful blaze prohibited activities protection proud mounta rain and rainbow random rare bushes rectangle red red soil reddish regal attire relations remote repetition resilient tree resilient wood restricted areas river river cutting metropolis road roads rocket rocket-like fire rocks roof rooftop rooftop views rubbish rusty safety regulations sailboat sand scenic scenic landscape sea selfie serpentine road shadow shadows shanghai shanghai bridge shanghai citysc shanghai photography shanghai skyscrapers shanghai tower shapes sharing ship ships shushudzen silhouette similarity sky skyline panorama skyscraper skyscrapers small smile smoke snow snow-capped peaks snow-covered tree snowstorm survivor snowy tree soil speed limitation spellbinding visuals spiral staircase sport square stadium street streets subterranean sun sunrise sunrise cityscape sunrise cityscape view sunrise over cityscape sunrise reflections in city sunset support surface surreal architectural photograph surrealistic surrealistic art swamp symmetry tall tall buildings tall buildings backdrop tall mountains tallest temple thailand thick clouds thought-provoking image thoughtful look. tibet tourism touristic towers traces traffic signs travel tree silhouette trees trust tv tower underground unfinished uninhabited unutilized commercial space ur urban urban architecture urban coasta urban decay photography urban dreamscape urban explor urban i urban landscape urban metropolis urban night scene urban skyline at sunrise urban sunrise urban sunrise colors urban trails of light vapor vibrant buildings vibrant city skyline vibrant city sunrise vibrant coastal panorama vibrant nightlife view village vintage aesthetic war waste and pollution wat watchtower view water waterfall on slick wall weird white white snow mountains white wall windows windy winter landscape winter wonderland winterized floral beauty woman world tallest yellow
The catalog contains more than 1500 photos from 25 nominations from more than 1000 authors of the 9th 35AWARDS

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