“We were gods and they made us slaves. We were children of the Sun and they consoled us with tin medals. We were poets and they made us recite beggarly prayers. We were happy and they civilized us. Who will refresh the memory of the tribe? Who will revive our gods? May wild hope always be yours, dear untamable soul.”
Éramos dioses y nos volvieron esclavos. Éramos hijos del Sol y nos consolaron con medallas de lata. Éramos poetas y nos pusieron a recitar oraciones pordioseras. Éramos felices y nos civilizaron. ¿Quién refrescará la memoria de la tribu? ¿Quién revivirá nuestros dioses? Que la salvaje esperanza sea siempre tuya, querida alma inamansable.
Text adapted from the poem, “La salvaje esperanza”, (Gonzalo Arango, 1931 - 1976).
Photo: little savage
Model: Delaia González Mulero.
Photographer: Michel Genève.
Place: Peña del Gato, Manzanares el Real. La Pedriza. Madrid. España.
Photo date: October 2024
uploaded 1 days ago Copyright by genève michel
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