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angelic harmony

genève michel

\"At dawn we glimpse your angelic gaze with fire between your lips, chaining in a soft lullaby your enveloping and pure face, which shines warmly naked in the colony of heaven. You are prodigious in the light, conquering the sleepless nights of dawn, raising every flash of solitude.\"

Vislumbra en el alba tu mirada angelical con el fuego entre tus labios, encadenando en un suave arrullo tu rostro envolvente y puro, que brilla tibiamente desnudo en la colonia de los cielos. Prodigiosa eres a la luz, conquistando los desvelos de la madrugada, levantando cada destello de soledad.

Original text published in: \"Mundo Poesía\"; fragment adapted from the poem: \"Armonía angelical\", (José R., 2010).
Photo: angelic harmony.
Model: Carlota Yagüe Santos.
Photographer: Michel Genève.
Place: El Bolugar, Caín. Picos de Europa, León. España.
Photo date: April 2024.
uploaded 5 days ago   Copyright by genève michel




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